The greatest writers open doors in minds.

For me…I explore. Sometimes I find things that blow me away; is that weird to say? It’s true. I will write and stumble around, hit walls, fall down holes, get lost, feel hopeless and then…BOOM. I find the vein, the flow, the little string that I pull on that leads me, at times to something grand and human.

There are plenty of times where I just leave a mess on the floor. But hopefully those times are not reflected here, as much. Here, with this technology, this potential reach - well, there is so much danger. The danger of mediocrity, the danger of saturation, the danger of indulgence and gluttoney.

The danger of believing our own bullshit. That’s what this technology allows. Oh boy, I did something. I published something. I’m a writer. I’m a blogger. I have a Substack. And into the great void it all goes…and no one cares to read and no one even remembers what it’s like to care, so no one misses reading.

Jesus that’s depressing.

I’m not going to do that.

All my life I’ve felt like I have so much to say, so much to say, so much to say. Sometimes I say it, most times I don’t. I write it more than I say it. I believe in what Alice Walker said, “Writing saves me from the sin of violence”. I feel that way. I hope you see that reflected here. Most of all I hope you find value. I hope you find value enough to pay for it, value enough to direct some amount of your resources here. I guess I’ll see.

Thank you.

Subscribe to Veritas Vincit: Pursuit of Truth and Good

I have so many thoughts! Sometimes I think in poetry, but that was a long time ago. Veritas Vincit, in the pursuit of truth and good.
